Really difficult, and it makes you start from the beginning. But good music. :)
Really difficult, and it makes you start from the beginning. But good music. :)
No point. Worthless, tedious game.
when i click the button instead of play it skips through all levels really fast and said i won...
that was a bug i forgot to take out... you have to hit PLAY not the button on the second part
pretty good
only 9/10 because when i clicked off in oxygen toggle menu nothing happened
um iamweird the start button is the one with the windows logo on it.and also i tried pressing ctrl repeatedly on level 10 but i still couldn't do it.there should be like 30 levels on this, but level 10 has to g, as you cant cheat through it
u just hold down a button, walk around and get health packs.u should add likesome gore and some different buttons for different attacks
pure awesomeness.kinda similar to endless zombie rampage :D i can definitely imagine this becoming front paged.u should be proud of yourself dude
this is excellent for a game made in an hour
nice job
this is a very nice tutorial uve done a good job, much better than some tutorialsthat are way too complicated
imgonna give same review i gave on maze game #1:make it so if u right click u pause otherwise game is too ez